There are so many maintenance and cleaning tasks that you need to do around the house and cleaning furniture is one of them; especially outdoor furniture that can collect a lot of dust and dirt. But you can make your job a little bit easier by selecting outdoor furniture that is easy to maintain. When you are shopping for furniture, one of the factors you should consider is the level of maintenance required.
If you are looking for low maintenance outdoor furniture Sunshine Coast, one of the options you can consider is aluminium. Compared to other metal furniture, this is resistant to rust. Also, because aluminium is a lightweight material, it is very easy to move around. You can clean this using a soap and water solution. You will not need any harsh cleaners for this. Aluminium is a great option for modern style houses. Resin wicker is a low maintenance alternative to traditional wicker as it is a weather resistance material. Any dirt on it can be wiped with a damp cloth and you will not need to carry out any special maintenance tasks. Most of the time, aluminium forms the structure around which resin wicker is used. This will still make for a lightweight chair. And as both materials are durable and can withstand the elements, you will have an easier time with cleaning.

People generally consider timber furniture to have a lot of maintenance.
But this also depends on the type of wood you use. Teak is popular for its durability and it will maintain its classic beauty for a long time. This is also a very versatile material as it can match modern or traditional houses. Time to time, you will need to clean and oil the material so that it retains the colour. But frequency of this special care is spaced apart so you can enjoy the elegant luxury that timber brings to the space without worrying about constant maintenance. If you are looking for an option that is both eco-friendly and low maintenance, you can consider recycled plastic furniture. These have so many different designs and the colours will not fade. They have a high resistance to cracking or rotting. And all you need is a soap and water solution to spruce it up.

Stainless steel is also durable and you can clean it easily.
This can be a little expensive compared to other materials. Then there is powder-coated steel that is resistant to corrosion and rust. You can also use concrete furniture for outdoors, especially in the garden. Even when they show signs of weathering, it has a certain charm to it. This material will not deteriorate in a hurry and it can withstand the elements easily. You can let these be in the garden even in extreme weather conditions and seasonal changes. You can also let some moss grow on some areas of the furniture so that it looks as part of the landscape. Stone is another material that can blend in with the natural landscape where you don’t need to do much maintenance.